The New Nude - Essie Blanc

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Essie Blanc is a nail polish I've had in my stash for a while now, but my nails aren't looking the best lately so I've been putting off showing it swatched. I finally plucked up the courage today, and I do apologize if it doesn't look perfect - my nails are currently driving me insane! I picked up my favourite top coat (LCN Nail Power and really hope it helps return them to a good state).

I'm calling this post the new nude because I think white really can be worn as a nude! It goes with everything, it's modern, plus it makes your skin look more tanned. I absolutely love this creamy white shade. It's opaque in 2-3 coats (I applied 3, but if you're careful, you'll get away with 2). It's a nice consistency and not too difficult to apply, though I presume I'll have to use a thinner for the polish sooner or later - cream shades have a tendency to get thick and gloopy.

Essie nail polishes can be found locally in drogerie markt, and all around the world. I paid around 10€ and I love this one - looks great in any season and any skintone, a must-have really.

Do you like the white nail polish trend?

Share your opinion:

  1. My nails are horrible so i'll have to try that top coat out! I love white nails, but finding a good white nail polish is sooo hard!

    Krissy |

    1. If you can find it, it's really good :) And this is the first white polish I've tried and it's quite good! x

  2. Gorgeous colour! I love the fact it makes you look more tan x

    Angela | The Sunday Chapter

    1. Agreed! Even my pasty skin looks better when I wear it :)

  3. Ja, Blanc je res prekrasen. Par tednov nazaj sem ga uporabila za pedikuro. Popolnost. ❤️

    1. Uuu, na nogah ga pa še nisem mela. Res je lep ja! <3

  4. Se strinjam. Najboljši bel lak ever. :)

  5. I love white nail polish, it looks so lovely! <3

    Jennie xo |

  6. I've only just started using Essie (I know, where have I been?!) and want all of them. It's hard choosing which colour to get next but this is one is a solid contender! Lovely photos x

    Jodie Marie
    à la

  7. Such a gorgeous colour! Although I really don't think I could pull it off!

    Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


    1. I thought so too at first but it really works! x

  8. So pretty and very appropriate for this time of the year :) White nails just makes anyone look so tanned.

  9. I used to hate the white nail trend, but I can't get enough of it recently. And like you said, its my new nude option!

    Belle ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  10. White nails always look so classy! I'm now considering buying a white nail polish.

    1. It's one of my best beauty buys from the past few months! :)

  11. I'm obsessed with the white nail polish trend, I definitely agree that it's the "new nude". I love nude nails, but they can look a little plain. White gives the same neutral, polished effect but is still bright and fun in a way!

    1. Totally agree! Glad to see we're all on it :)


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