Maybelline Color Tattoo 24 Hour Cream Eyeshadows

Sunday, July 13, 2014

If you know me, you're aware I almost never wear eyeshadow. I've been trying to change it up a bit lately, so now I have two cream shadows in my possession. While I don't think I'll change into a full-on-daytime-smokey-eye girl overnight, I still thought a review was in order since I've been using these two for a while. I'll be talking about the Maybelline Color Tattoo 24 Hour Cream Eyeshadows today.

Let's start off with the product in general. It's a cream shadow which comes in a pot - you just have to unscrew the lid. The product itself is creamy. I have had one shadow since April and the other since last year. The latter has started drying a bit, but it's nothin critical, which is good - I know cream shadows can dry up very fast, but I think both are still perfectly usable. Regarding the lasting power, I'll have to respectfully disagree. They definitely don't last all day on me, and they tend to crease as well. If I apply a primer they perform better, or topped off with a powder eyeshadow, they last longer, but still crease. They pretty much disappear after about 8 hours! However, I still think they're a good product if you use them correctly. I do have very oily eyelids, so that might be why these crease on me. I have to mention the price as well. They only cost about 5€, which I think is amazing.

The first shade I have is 35 On and On Bronze. I feel like everyone and their mom has this one! It's a very pretty bronze colour, quite metallic. I wore this a lot last year, but have been neglecting it a bit in 2014. The other shade I have is 65 Pink Gold and this is definitely my favourite. The most gorgeous rose gold colour which looks amazing by itself or paired with shades from other palettes and brands. I really love it and it looks gorgeous with my green eyes.

To sum it up, I do think these are worth a try since they're so inexpensive, and you can get some gorgeous colours. I have my eye on this metallic red (something Pomegranate), a black and a really pretty turquoise. They do crease on me, so if you have oily eyelids like I do, I'd definitely recommend using a primer. I think I'll be getting a few other colours, and I do recommend them be it for beginners or well-versed cream shadow lovers!

You can find Maybelline Color Tattoos on Salma as well as Feelunique.

Have you tried these? What's your favourite shade?
Click 'read more' for Slovenian version.

Če me poznate, veste, da senčila res poredko uporabljam. Sem pa ponosna lastnica dveh Maybelline Color Tattoo 24 Hour Cream Eyeshadow.

Sam izdelek je kremno senčilo, ki pride v lončku. Izdelek je res kremen. Eno senčilo imam že od lani, zato me je bilo precej strah, da se bo zadeva posušila, ampak se kar dobro drži, kar mi je zelo všeč. Kar se tiče trajanja, se na meni malo nabirajo v pregibu veke, kar me malo žalosti. Imam pa res mastne veke, tako da je to verjetno krivec ... Barva res traja dolgo, ampak se vseeno nabirajo v pregibu. Se mi zdijo pa super izdelek kljub temu, saj so barve čudovite, verjetno tudi s pravim primerjem izgledajo super. Lahko se uporabljajo same ali pa kot podlaga za druga senčila. Cena je sploh super, saj stanejo samo okrog 5€.

Prvi odtenek, ki ga imam je 35 On and On Bronze. Mislim, da ga imamo skoraj vse! Barva je res 'bronze'. Zadnje čase ga malo zanemarjam, je pa res čudovit odtenek. Moj najljubši pa je  65 Pink Gold - rose gold barva. Izgleda čudovito sama po sebi ali v paru s kakšnim drugim senčilom. Sama imam zelene oči in oba odtenka jim res pristajata.

Na hitro povedano se mi zdijo senčila vredna svoje cene, pa tudi odtenki so krasni. Sama bi jih imela še kar nekaj. Najdeš pa jih lahko na spletni strani Salma.

Si jih že preizkusila? Kateri je tvoj najljubši odtenek?

Share your opinion:

  1. Do sedaj sem si kupila samo Pink Gold odtenek, in mi je idealen. Ni premočen, vendar še vedno dovolj opazen. Za razliko od tebe, pa sama niti ne potrebujem primerja pod senčilom pa mi zdrži cel dan, niti mi ne zleze v pregib veke, tako kot nanesem tako ostane. Je pa res, da imam srečo, in nimam bolj mastnih vek. Naslednjo, ki bi si jo kupila pa je isto ta metalik rdeča. :)

    1. Res je čudovit :) Sama imam res mastne veke, tako da imam vedno probleme s tem ... Metallic Pomegranate je pa res čudovita!

  2. I have never thought much of "Pink Gold" when I saw it in stores, but this swatch of it is so, so stunning! I really need to swatch it for myself next time I see them.

    1. Oh you need to try it! It's such a beautiful color :)

  3. To je en mojih najljubših izdelkov:) Mi je kar žal, da ni še več odtenkov, ker bi kar vse pokupila. Na meni pa so zelo obstojni. To je senčilo po katerem posegam, ko vem, da bom ves dan nekje, ker me nikoli ne razočara:))

    1. Se strinjam, v tujini imajo še ful odtenkov :) Blagor, da ti tako lepo drži. Ne vem, kaj jaz delam narobe!

  4. I have the Back to Bronze one and it's all I've been wearing on my eyes, it's super quick and easy to put on when I'm in a rush! Great post x

    1. Agreed, it's great when you have to be out the door in 5!

  5. Jaz imam rjavega - sam ga dobila pri Ajdusting Beauty pri giveawayu, najprej mi ni bil preveč všeč, ampak potem se uporabila še druge senčke zraven in je super izpadlo :)

    1. Ja, tudi kot podlaga izgleda super! Me veseli, da ti je zdaj všeč :)

    2. Šele zdaj vidim da sem se zmotila pri imenu bloga - tipkarska napaka, joj.

      Je kar super ja! :)

  6. Se popolnoma strinjam s celotnim Petrinim komentarjem! :))
    Meni so res odlični. Imam kar 4 odtenke, pa še več bi jih imela, a je izbira res slaba (imela bi še kakšne naravnejše tone). :/
    Prvega (On and on bronze) sem si kupila lani in sem ga nosila skoraj celotno poletje. :) Trenutno pa mi je najljubši Pernament Taupe, ker naredi res lep 'močnejši' makeup v zelo kratkem času (super za dneve, ko nimaš preveč časa). <3 Meni je najbolj všeč pri teh 'tatujčkih', da lahko uporabiš kar prste.
    Morda veš še za kakšna druga (dobra) kremna senčila? :)

    1. Uu, super, katere odtenke pa imaš? :) V Ameriki imajo sploh krasne tone, in tista nude kolekcija je bila to die for, škoda da ni do nas prišla ... Glede drugih kremnih senčil pa težko pomagam, sama jih skoraj ne nosim, sem pa slišala ogromno pohval za MAC Paint Pots in svoj čas tudi za Benefit Creasless Crem Shadows :) x

  7. My favourite is definitely On and on Bronze, it goes with absolutely everything and lasts for eternity. :D

    1. Agreed! I just wish it lasted longer on me :(

  8. Oh Lord these maybelline creamy shadows are pretty much my fav

  9. Niso vsi enako kvalitetni odtenki ... na žalost. Je pa zanimivo, da mojih super mastnih vekah tvoja odtenka kar trajata kot sekundarna baza. Kateri primer pa uporabljaš?

    1. Enega od Art Deco ... Mi je malo nerodno, verjetno bi morala investirat v boljšega :)

  10. I really like Color Tattoos! Here in Canada they have different names, but I think those are the same as my favourites, Bad to the Bronze and Inked in Pink! ;)


    1. Hah, interesting to hear they have different names! :) Glad you like 'em!

  11. Aren't they awesome? I have On and on Bronze too and i just love how easily they glide on the lids and stay all day. Great products!! X

    | |

    1. Unfortunately they don't stay all day on me but I still love them!

  12. Hi there^^ . Im Roze and im from Macedonia. I just found your blog and i can tell you that i love it ♥ .I followed you insta and blogloving so i can keep up with your posts and i hope to see more from you ^^. Lots of love ♥

    Roze | Its Roze Daily♥

    1. Hi Roze, thanks for stopping by and following me! :) x


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