A lil' organizing never hurt nobody

Monday, April 14, 2014

To tell you the truth, I'm nowhere neat a tidy person. Actually I'm probably the messiest girl in existance (as confirmed regularly by Tilen). I do however, sometimes attempt to clean up and organise the chaos which is my room. In order to do so, I found myself perusing Ebay, and set my eyes on this organizer for lipsticks. At around 3,5€ it was a total bargain and a must buy for me. Admittedly, it took ages to get here (around a month), but I immediately put in my lipstick and random things that fit and this beauty is now proudly sitting above my desk. Really useful and awesome for storing your beauty bits, and you really cannot beat that price.

You can find this organizer on Ebay with free shipping.

Share your opinion:

  1. Tole si pa že dolgo časa ogledujem, najverjetneje bom tudi naročila. Končno :)

  2. i think i need to get something like this, my makeup is never organized! xxx

  3. I need to invest in a lipstick holder like this, yours looks lovely! x

    Evelyn @ We Were Raised By Wolves

  4. I have two lipstick holders now (both of which are a little bit overcrowded..) but they instantly make even the messiest makeup collection look neater :) xx

    Angelica // One Little Vice

  5. I currently keep mine at the bottom of my muji storage, but love this idea too!
    I also wanted to comment on how much I love your blog design ^_^
    Iqra |The Blushing Giraffe

    1. Ah, I wish I had Muji storage as well. :) Thank you so much! <3

  6. Sem ga kar kupila, ker ga res potrebujem. Imam namreč šminke nametane na eni polički in tole bo prišlo zelo prav. Poleg tega pa sem naredila še svoj prvi nakup preko Ebay. Hvala ti, Živa! (:

  7. I really need to get a desk organiser for my lipsticks, which is just lying about everywhere and making a Hugh mess!

    Yet Another Makeup Blog.

  8. Ooo, jaz imam tudi to. Oz podobno, iz Mullerja (13€, se mi zdi). SUPER za šminkice, res!

  9. Jaz imam dva, ampak verjetno bom mogla še tretjega kmalu kupit. I think I have a problem...

  10. to stojalce si js že ful dolgo ogledujem pa nekak čudežno vsakič pozabim pol dejansko naročit, je pa definitvno super invisticija pa še kjut izgleda ;)


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