L'Oréal Lumi Magique Foundation

Sunday, March 30, 2014

This is my third post in Becka's Have you discovered ...? series.

When I mentioned I had gotten L'Oreal Lumi Magique foundation in my haul, a lot of you were interested in a review, so I am doing that today, and it aligns perfectly with this blog post series which I am participating in. First of all, let me start with the obvious - I got the wrong shade of foundation, of course. It's a tradition. So this is in the shade Rose Beige.

You can see from the swatches that my skin is in pretty bad condition at the moment - I omitted the sight of my forehead, which would probably give you nightmares. I have some dark marks as well as huge pores. But this foundation has quite a lot of coverage, but the thing that sets it apart from most high coverage foundations is the fact that it is not matte at all. It is actually quite dewy and glowy. I really like the finish, as it covers everything up, but still looks quite natural and makes you look refreshed, as well as gives that lit-from-within look. The foundation also wears nicely and does not rub off at all, which I really love as I like my makeup to last all day. It's also hydrating and not drying in the slightest. I have oily to combination skin and this surprisingly works for me, even though I thought I would never be able to wear a product that is dewy. All in all, L'Oreal Lumi Magique gets a huge thumbs up from me and I would definitely recommend it (but spend a few minutes picking out the shade, unlike yours truly).

I got Lumi Magique in my local drugstore with a discount. It costs around 17€ in Slovenia and around 13€ online.

P.S. I just saw these photos on a larger screen and they look so Photoshopped - I really didn't do anything to them! I have no idea what happened.

Share your opinion:

  1. Jeeej, ful ti lepo paše! :) U gawjus, gurl! Men je tut prov super, tak lep glowy finish pusti pa ne rata mastno čez dan. :) xx

    1. Ja, pa ful sem vesela, da je teb tut všeč! :) x

  2. Beautiful finish - your skin look so radiant and dewy! :o) Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

  3. Čeprav sama nisem ravno ljubiteljica takega finiša, sem prav presenečena kako čudovito je videti :) Res osvežujoče :)

    1. Res je čudovit, pred tem tudi sama nisem marala nič drugega kot mat, ampak tole je pa love at first application. :P

  4. Vau, prav prekrasno izgleda na tebi. :)

  5. Odlično izgleda na tebi!:) Jaz pa ne maram takega finiša, ker zelo hitro postanem mastna in s takim finišem še prej.

    1. Hvala! Ja, jaz se včasih, če imam dolg dan pred sabo, še napudram s pudrom v kamnu, da malo utrdi zadevo, pa je finiš vseeno krasen. :)

  6. Na tebi izgleda res krasno, ga morem ponovno sprobat in mu mogoče dat spet priložnost :D

  7. Ti paše, ga je vredno pogledat naslednjič :) drugače pa probaj iskat odtenke prek strani Findation :)

    1. Ja, za to sem pa že slišala - zakon ideja! :) Ampak jaz sem hopeless, še v trgovini ne najdem pravega odtenka. Mislim, da mi je 52 Vanille v redu pri Bourjois, to je pa tut vse kar vem. :D

  8. Wow, the finish on your skin is so beautiful!!!

    xx Alyson
    Beauty Vanity

  9. Ful lepo zgleda na tebi! Glede na to kako jo vsi hvalijo, mislim, da jo bom tudi jaz slej kot prej sprobala. Upam, da bo na suhi koži tudi delovala. Glede photoshopa pa ja, blogger včasih rad photoshopira slike, če jih naložiš v formatu JPG. Jaz sem jih zdaj začela konvertirati v PNG ravno zaradi tega razloga. Včasih sem že res bizarno zgledala. :D


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