Most used brushes (Real Techniques)

Monday, February 3, 2014

I am not a brush fanatic. Definitely not. Brushes are just not something that excite me, despite being a complete beauty addict. I would much rather buy a nice lipstick and make do with the brushes I have. That being said, I've recently discovered the wonders of a good brush and am here today to talk about my favourites.

I used Sigma brushes for a long time, but the fact that they had to be shipped from the US bothered me too much to order them again. I would definitely recommend them, but right now my heart belongs to Real Techniques brushes (and walnut ice cream, sweet jeebus that stuff is what dreams are made of). 

For my birthday back in August, my lovely boyfriend got me the Core Collection (buy it here) and Eye Starter Kit (purchase it on FeelUnique), both from Real Techniques. I have to say I didn't love the whole kits. I would much rather buy individual brushes since some of the brushes in the kit just serve no purpose in my makeup routine. That being said, I'll now tell you about the brushes I do love.

Starting off with the Buffing Brush, this is an absolute godsend. I want to buy 2974628 of these! Currently I use it for my liquid foundation and it does wonders blending and buffing it into my skin. It's also great for applying powders, blushers, even contouring with a bronzer. An all-around lovely brush which I just adore!

Next up is the Contour Brush, which I actually use for blusher (as you can see on the photo, dear LORD, I do love me some blusher, don't I). It's perfectly tapered and fits great onto the apples of my cheeks. Really soft as well. Beautiful brush! Haven't tried it for contouring yet, but I bet it works great for that as well.

Moving on to the Starter Kit for eyes, I was a bit disappointed with it. I have teeny tiny eyes (which I hide well, don't I? It's the mahoosive amounts of eyeliner, trust me) and these brushes are absolutely huge! They are way too big for my eyes. Even the one for eyebrows is enmormous and listen, I am a pretty big person at 5'11'', but this brush covers half my forehead. Which is great if, y'know, your eyebrows go all the way up to your hairline, but not so great if they're thinner.

Still, I've found myself using a few brushes from this kit, namely the Deluxe Crease Brush. This one is really really soft and quite flimsy, which makes it just perfect for blending. It's quite nice really. I like to apply a teensy bit of color on it and blend, blend, blend.

Next up is the Base Shadow Brush. Guys. If I were to apply a base with this, I would have eyeshadow all over my brows (the curse of tiny eyes continues). So I use it for highlighting, and it works great!

Next up is the Accent Brush, which makes a great compadre to the Brow Brush. I use the latter first to apply the lighter shade to my eyebrows, and then use the first one to add tiny amounts of a dark shade and blend it all together.

All in all, these brushes are amazing quality, though I have yet to find uses for some of them. Not the best if you have small and not-very-defined eyes, though, but ... Make it work! *snaps fingers in a wild and unruly fashion*

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  1. super objava, sem jo že komaj čakala. :) <3
    vidim, da bom res morala vzeti tale Core Collection, ker so sami taki, ki jih potrebujem. :)) sem že razmišljala o tem setu, zdaj pa si me čisto prepričala s tole objavo. :) bom šla kar zdaj takoj naročit. :D
    drugače imam pa jaz tudi tale Eye Starter Kit pa sem res zelo zelo zadovoljna! Čeprav sem se šele predkratkim začela malo bolj ličit oz. uporabljat senčke (prej je bil samo eyeliner+maskara), mi gre s tem setom res super, vse se mi zdi veliko lažje in na koncu res super pride ven.. medtem ko sem prej imela neke čist navadne čopiče in je zgledalo vse skupaj slabše.. zdaj pa me sploh več ni strah ličenja zadimljenih oči.. res ne menjam tega seta za nič na svetu<3 je pa res, da so meni čopiči tudi skoraj malce preveliki, to je edini - , ampak me ne moti tako zelo, važno, da so kvalitetni in se je užitek z njimi ličiti. :) Uporabljam pa vse razen zadnja dva v kolekciji: mislim, da onega za eyeliner ne (si ponavadi naredim črto samo s svinčnikom oz. tekočim eyelinerjem) in za obrvi (glede urejanja obrvi še zaenkrat nimam ravno izkušenj, ker sem kar zadovoljna s svojo obliko in izgledom - a bom tudi kdaj kaj na tem predelu poskusila izboljšat). :)
    zdaj mi torej manjka še samo tale Core Collection, ker trenutno nimam v zbirki še nobenega čopiča za tekoči puder, blush, bronzer, itd. (še nikoli nisem sprobala ''contouring-a'', zdaj pa bi ful rada.). :)) me zadnje čase ličenje vedno bolj veseli.. :))

    P.s.: fuuul mi je všeč tale dekoracija oz. 'kozarec', kjer shranjuješ čopiče - SUPER izpade!<3

    1. Uau Sandra, hvala za tole, obožujem dolge komentarje :) <3

      Baje je tudi Expert Face Brush super, jaz ga še nimam. :) Sicer pa vidim dosti pohval tudi za Lily Lolo čopiče. Jaz sem, kar se tiče MU na očeh kar začetnik - imam res majhne oči in le redko kater videz izgleda OK na meni. Čopiči so sicer res kvalitetni, ampak moram bit ekstra previdna z njimi, ker so tako (pre)veliki. Kar se ličenja tiče pa super - to mora biti v veselje, drugače ni pointa. Jaz sem se včasih ličila zaradi nuje (slaba koža), zdaj pa se prav z veseljem. ^^

      Aaa, hvala! Dejansko je to vaza + un pesek za vrtnarjenje iz Ikee, haha! xx

  2. i feel the same - brushes are the least exciting among all things beauty! real technique ones have been getting so much praise lately though, i'm definitely going to check them out next time i'm in the UK or US. ps. thank you for liking my recent post on bloglovin, so glad it led me to your blog because i love it! am your newest follower :) xx

    rachel x

    1. I'm glad someone agrees! Of course, I love your blog & thank you so much for following <3

  3. Komaj čakam da končno pride paket iz iHerba z mojimi Sam's Picks. :D Kar verjetno ne bo kmalu, ker smo tak zasneženi, da poštarja danes sploh ni blo. :/ xx

    1. Dammit Nina, pejt kidat! :P I kid, I kid. xx

  4. they had to be shipped out from the US? i thought the company was from england? well anyway they look like lovely brushes and after hearing so many people rave about them, i really want to try them myself!

    rae from lovefromberlin

    1. Yes, mine were shipped from the US! Lemme know if you try them x

  5. I love them, definitely my favourite brushes. They really hold up well and are uber soft. Love the real technique collection xo

  6. Tale Contour brush je meni super za concealer ali pa highlight :) Imam pa tudi Starter set nagledan, sem ga ravno pred kratkim kupila za darilo in še vedno razmišljam, da bi ga obdržala :P

    1. Uuu, moram še tako probat, hvala za nasvet. P.S. Kupi si svojega :P x

  7. I definitely need a few new brushes, I need to check out this range for sure!

    Jennie xo |

  8. RT brushes are just the bomb diggity! I love all of these, and also the powder brush! :)

    1. Oooh I don't have that yet *resists urge to buy it straight away* x

  9. Hi I love your blog and I just nominated you for the Liebster award! Check out my blog for my details :)

    1. Omg thank you so much, that is so sweet! Will check it out now. <3

  10. Super objava! Vedno me je zanimal če so teli čopiči res tok "wow" kot pravjo drugi :)

    1. Kvaliteta je super, samo tisti za oči so za moje mini eyeballs čist preveliki. Upam, da sem pomagala :) x


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