My most used blushers

Monday, August 26, 2013

I, the crazy blusher lady, rarely hit pan on a blusher. Having so many, I rotate them heavily and many of them do not get the love they deserve. However, there are a few in my collection that I have been using like crazy. They are, unsuprisingly, all pinks in varying tones and amounts of shimmer/glitter. My favourites include Sleek Pixie Pink (great value as it's really inexpensive), Illamasqua Sob (a cream blusher which I absolutely adore), Illamasqua Morale (from a few years back, not sure if it's still available - sorry :( ), Stila XOXO palette (you can get the Love palette this year) and two MAC favourites, Well Dressed & Dame.

Coincidentally, it is also my birthday today. *happy dance* I hope your day will be just as lovely as mine. <3

Share your opinion:

  1. Happy birthday girl! The post is lovely i particularly love the stila and mac blushes!!! x x

    1. Thank you so much! Ah, I love them too. <3

  2. Sami krasni odtenki in pa vse najboljše :)

  3. Uf pridna :) Pa vse najboljše <3 Kar nekaj vas ima danes danes rojstni dan

    1. Ares? Js vem samo zase, za unga igralca iz Home Alone, pa sina od Snooki iz Jersey Shore, lol! :D x

  4. nujno si moram nabavt blusher u pink barvi :D
    pa vse najboljše! čimlepši dan ti želim, xx

  5. Vse najboljše!:) Zelo zanimivi odtenki rdečil:)

  6. Jaz mislim, da nisem prišla do dna pri nobenem rdečilu, tako da bravo. So pa sami lepi odtenki.
    Pa vse najboljše in vsega lepega polno. :)

  7. 2nd time my comment deleted. I am mad and dont have the energy to re type a 3rd time!

    I hope your birthday was magikal and wonderful my friend. What did you do?
    I wish I knew. I would of mailed you a birthday gift. Some crazy American beauty product ;) Have you heard of the Ped Egg? I love it!

    Blush scares me! My cheeks r naturally rosey so i am scared of too much for my pale skin. I love highlighters and bronzer on my cheeks. NARS Orgasm is wonderful! The color is great for all skin tones. Bahama Mama is a color by a brand I forgot its name. I love it.

    Hope you have a great day :)

  8. I own MAC Dame too! Absolutely love it! Belated Happy Birthday! :)

    Ty's Blog of Epiphanies


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