Maybelline Color Tattoo 24h Eyeshadow in On and on Bronze

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I'm finally back from my vacation, which was lovely apart from being eaten alive by mosquitoes - I swear I have 25 bites on my legs alone. Unfortunately, I really could not post at the seaside, which is such a shame, because there were some lovely sites to take photos - all of them inhabited by avid sea-goers, which made it next to impossible to take nice pictures. Well, I will try to make it up to you by posting more now, even though I have to study like crazy for finals which begin in a weeks' time. 

Today I wanted to talk about these Maybelline Color Tattoo Eyeshadows, which are new to me, but have been around for a while now. I picked one up on a whim in my local drugstore and I am in love. I got the shade On and on Bronze, which seems to be quite popular on the internet. It really is a true bronze, a beautiful color even for me, and I normally don't even like bronze tones. It can be used as a base or by itself - I prefer using it by itself as it's such a beautiful color. It lasts like no other, seriously, that claim about it being 24h might be just right! I didn't even need a primer with this one and my eyelids just love to crease especially in the hot and humid summer time. However, not a smudge in sight with this one. And the best part? It costs the bargainous amount of 5€! Absolutely amazing for such a product and I would strongly recommend it even for going into autumn. I for one will definitely be picking up a couple more shades!

Share your opinion:

  1. I recently bought this too, I'm loving it for a quick eye look for work! Only takes about 10 seconds to apply it! xx

  2. I've had it for a while now, I really like it, it's so easy to use, stays on for hours (it creases on my eyelids if I don't use a base, but all eyeshadows do, so it's fine for me - I just use the base every time I apply anything to my eyelids ;))) ) and looks really nice - I also have the taupe and golden shades, they are great too, but On and on Bronze is definitely my favourite one!

    1. Oh, such a shame that it creases on you - great that you still like it. x

  3. uuu tale je pa ful dober. ga ima kolegica, svetovno senčilo. :D

  4. Ta odtenek sem si ogledovala že nekaj časa nazaj, ampak ga potem nisem vzela (očitno sem pozabila nanj). Hvala za to objavo, mislim da bom šla kar kmalu ponj ali pa mi ga bo kdo prinesel za rojstni dan:)

  5. Tudi meni je ful všeč! Mi ga je glihkar zmanjkalo, ampak imam že novega. :D

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  6. Se popolnoma strinjam, super je. Upam, da v prihodnosti dobimo še kaj več odtenkov :)

  7. Tole imam na še to buy seznamu, sem pa ravno ta teden podlegla in kupila Metallic Pomengranate in je res dobra senčka <3

  8. Izgleda super!:)Upam, da ga imajo tudi v zlati barvi!

  9. Ful huda barva.. Na očeh še mora izgledti tolko boljše.


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