Lee Stafford Argan Oil range

Thursday, February 7, 2013

From left to right: Deep Nourishing Treatment, Nourishing Shampoo, Nourishing Conditioner, Miracle Heat Defense Spray, Nourishing Miracle Oil

You've seen these products in my haul ages ago, today I have the review for you - FINALLY! Lee Stafford is an English hair dresser, who launched hiw own (award-winning!) hair products range in 2001. His latest endeavour into the hair world is a range made of Argan Oil. With the whole craze about oils going on right now, this is the perfect line to try. :) It's available in many stores, if you're from Slovenia, you can find it in DM (Drogerie Markt)!

The first product I'll be reviewing today is the Deep Nourishing Treatment. This is a mask that you're supposed to use every day until the condition of your hair improves, than you use it about once a week to maintain it. I have to say this was my absolute favourite product out of the bunch and my favourite hair mask I've ever used. After applying it and drying my hair, it was insanely soft to the touch and really shiny as well (I have one use left and I'm saving it for a special occasion, haha). I would definitely recommend this to everyone, it seems like it would work on all hair types, and if yours is as damaged as mine, you will see a dramatic difference. So double thumbs up for this one!

Next we have the Nourishing Shampoo and Conditioner. As you can see, I only have about two uses out of these left, I've been using them for the past month and I really love them as well. The shampoo really cleanses my hair and removes all product buildup, and I love the effect the conditioner has on my hair, it's similar to the mask - not to the same extent, but it really makes my hair soft.

On the last photo you can see the Miracle Heat Defense Spray. I use this everytime I blow-dry my hair or if I continue with any hot tools. It's a really nice product and a little goes a long way, you can see how much I've used and I've been using it for a month! As far as results go, it's nothing visible, but it really does protect my hair from the heat. I feel like it's not as stringy and straw-like to the touch, so this definitely does its job. Lastly, we have the Nourishing Miracle Oil, which is my second favourite product. Again, you only need the littlest bit to do its job (I actually use about two pumps, but it still looks unused!). It really helps the appearance of dry hair and combats frizz wonderfully. My hair looks very nourished after I used this.

All in all, this was one of my favourite hair ranges that I have tried so far. I would truly recommend it to anyone and everyone, especially the oil and the mask, which I feel like are the miracle products!

*Products were sent to me for review.

Share your opinion:

  1. opa, delujejo super izdelki, si jih bom definitivno ogledala naslednjič v DMu :).

    1. Res so fantastični, jih ful priporočam. :) x

  2. a majo v DMih tud to masko in zaščito pred toploto? ker v našem mislm da nism zasledlila.. mam pa to olje in mi je super :)

    1. Nazadnje ko sem gledala, so mel + še en sprej za lesk :) Je pa bilo to v DM v Hali A v Ljubljani :) x

    2. aha kul :) mogoče si ga nabavim, čeprav me zelo moti ker vsebuje alkohol denat in to celo na prvem mestu??...(če sm prav zasledila nekje :))

  3. Tele sem pa že gledala v DMu, pa nisem bila prepričana, če so vredni svoje cene. Očitno bo treba nazaj, super review :)

  4. Če prou razumem, vse kar ti je blo poslano, je super, fino, fajn. Bleh.

    1. V bistvu ni res :) Če dobim izdelek ki mi ni všeč, o njem raje ne objavim ocene, saj se mi zdi zelo nevljudno kritizirat izdelek, ki sem ga dobila zastonj (imam potem kar slabo vest). Lahko pa ti povem, da npr. nisem napisala reviewa za Steamcream, ki mi sploh ni ustrezal (je pa bil mojima staršema super ^^). xx

  5. Me veseli, ker je tole v bistvu eden mojih ljubših slovenskih blogov. :)

  6. Summer a si kaj prestavljala svoj blog? Vem, da sem ravno zadnjič študirala kako to da ne objavljaš nič eč, pa tako rada sem te brala. Potem pa te danes čisto po naklučju najdem in vidim ceu kup novih objav, kaj se je naredilo, da te kar naenkrat nisem več spremlaja? Čudo bloggerjevo -.- Joj kako sem jezna!
    Anyway hvala za tale review! Sem jih že zadnjič gledala, pa potem nisem nič uzela, sem si rekla, da bom počakala na ocene. Sedaj morem obvezno nazaj po masko, mi je ravno zmanjkalo macadamie. A ti prvo uporabiš balzam, pa potem še masko čez?


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