Blogmas Day 10: 4 Winter Fragrances To Try

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Have you had enough of my perfumes yet?

I haven't! And I wanted to post four perfumes which I think would be just beautiful in the wintertime. Some of these are new to my collection and I've had the others for a while, but still adore them. Let's see what I would recommend.

L'Erbolario Papavero Soave

I wore this perfume constantly last year and I just adore it. It's a very heavy scent with poppy, jasmine, amber and vanilla. It's very sweet, but not sickly like Fantasy, for example. Instead, it's a different sweet, more sophisticated and fancy if you ask me. :) I love this scent, it's such a budget buy and it really lasts ages. Available in pharmacies for around 20€. Read my full review here.

Estee Lauder Modern Muse Chic

I've yet to do a full review of this perfume, but I just adore it! It's very different, a sexy soft musk with jasmine, tuberose and lily. It's sexy to my nose, but to someone else it might be really innocent and sweet. Anyway, I just adore it for day and nighttime and somehow it blends in beautifully in this weather, especially on scarves. Available on Fragrance Direct from 64€.

Giorgi Armani Si EDT

I know the EDP version of this perfume is very popular, but I'm absolutely in love with the EDT version. It's still very sweet but much more floral (think Prada Candy VS Prada Candy Eau Florale). I adore the notes of pear and freesia in it. Perhaps an unusual choice for winter, but it's very subtle but still noticeable and it's my signature scent at the moment. Available here from 50€.

Paco Rabanne Olympea

This had been on my wishlist for a while and now it's finally mine! A vanilla, salty white floral which I'm totally in love with, even though I tried not to be... It's really not a groundbreaking scent, but it's just so lovely I can't resist it! It's also quite longlasting. Available here from 56€.

These winter scents would make a lovely addition to any perfume wardrobe, and I just love them! Hope you do as well.
What is your favorite winter scent?

A me imate že 'poln kufer' s parfumi? :)

Jaz imam že sama sebe malo dovolj, ampak parfumov pa še kar ne. Zato je danes tu objava z mojimi top 4 dišavami za zimo. Pa poglejmo, katere sem izbrala.

L'Erbolario Papavero Soave

Parfum je v moji zbirki že čez eno leto, pa še kar navdušuje. Gre za zelo močan, zelo sladek, zelo topel vonj. Ima note maka, jasmina, jantarja in vanilje. Zelo poseben vonj, ki ni generično sladek, temveč res zimsko primeren in globok, bogat... Nekaj drugačnega od poplave BS Fantasy vonjav. Pa še ugoden je, stane okrog 20€ v lekarnah.
Parfum sem dobila v oceno s strani Fragrance Direct. Prej ga nisem povohala, navdušila pa me je ljubka steklenička. Zadnje čase ga nosim neprestano, in kljub temu, da gre za bolj nežen mošusov vonj, je popoln za zimo, še posebej na toplem šalu. Vonj ima tudi jasmin, tuberozo in lilijo in je seksi na nevsiljiv način. Na voljo na FD od 64€ naprej.
Obožujem EDP verzijo tega parfuma, vendar je EDT moja najljuša. Pomislite na Prada Candy in nato Candy Eau Florale - nekako tako je tudi z EDT Si. Veliko bolj cvetličen, nežen vonj, ki pa je še vedno sladek. Ima noti hruške in frezije, ki ju obožujem. Mogoče malo nenavadna izbira za zimo... Ampak meni je krasen. Stane od 50€ naprej na Salmi.
Tegale sem imela na seznamu želja kar nekaj časa, zdaj pa je končno moj. Sladek, nekoliko slan vonj z notami belih cvetlic me je čisto očaral, čeprav je malo generičen... Ne morem se mu upreti :) Traja precej dolgo in je popoln za dolgočasne zimske dneve, ker kar premaga turobnost vremena. Od 56€ naprej na Salmi.

Tile vonji bi bili čudovit dodatek katerikoli zbirki in tudi čudovita ideja za darila!
Kateri je tvoj najljubši zimski vonj?

Share your opinion:

  1. Estée Lauder's Modern Muse is one of my favourites right now! Love it. Sì by Armani gives me a right headache though! I bought it in duty free in September and instantly regretted it, it's way too sweet for me!xx

    Laura | Lala London: Beauty & Lifestyle


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