CandleLite Soft Cotton Blanket

Monday, June 22, 2015

First of all, sorry I've been away!

I've been absolutely swamped with work and I'm ashamed to admit my blog has suffered because of it. When I get excited about a new project, I tend to focus on just that and it's really a shame because blogging has become a staple in my life. I'll try to be better and I hope you'll stick with me if I disappear for a while. :)

Today I wanted to talk to you about a new candle company. These products were not sent to me, I actually went to a local homeware store and discovered them there. They're by the candle brand CandleLite and they were love at first sniff! I have two fragrances from them and I'm totally in love.

After I found these in Merkur, I went on a wild goose chase to find a store that stocked them and accepted Paypal. I came across Brodnik, ordered some and went to pick them up locally in a few days' time. They even had a sale at the time, so that was a big bonus!

Today I wanted to review the Soft Cotton Blanket Candle. I usually get fresh or gourmet scents, but this sounded like something my boyfriend would love, so I got it. In terms of scent, it reminds me very much of Yankee Candle Fresh Linen. Crisp, soft, fresh and lovely. It's a very potent scent and these candles are quite heavily scented.

Best part is, this was only around 12€ in the sale. Absolute bargain if you ask me and these candles are great dupes for YC. I'll be reviewing another scent soon, but it's safe to say this is a new favorite!
What is your favorite candle brand besides Yankee?

Share your opinion:

  1. Tisto od Yankee Candle sem poduhala in noro diši, tako da sm prepričana da tudi tale :D

  2. Sm zvesta uporabnica CandeLite sveč :D Trenutno imam Pumpkin Nutmeg Pie in pa Creamy Vanilla Swirl :D Ful so fine, sam včasih ti kozarec čisto zasvinjajo, ko jih ugasneš :D

    1. A sm loh v klubu fanov :P O hudo, te majo pa mal drugačno embalažo, a ne? Morm spet naročit :)

  3. This sounds so lovely! My favourite candle brand at the moment is Flamingo Candles <3

    1. Oooh I've been meaning to try those for ages :) x

  4. This sounds amazing! I personally really like Bath & Body Works candles. They smell sooo good!

    X Marjolein

    1. Oh *jealous* Can't get B&BW in Slovenia :(

  5. Ijoj, meni še vedno ni uspelo kupit Yankee candle....vedno jih občudujem, vendar so malce drage..ahh, en dan....=) Tele so pa res skoraj identične.

    1. Drage so res, zato mi je tale opcija bolj pri srcu :P x


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