Davidoff Cool Water Coral Reef - Indian Summer GIVEAWAY

Friday, October 17, 2014

A week or so ago, I received the lovely opportunity of giving away a fragrance to my readers. I was incredibly excited to get a bottle of perfume for you! Here we have the Davidoff Cool Water Coral Reef Limited Edition collection, featuring a man's and women's fragrance. Tilen has already claimed the men's version, but the women's is still up for grabs! Keep reading for the giveaway and reviews ...

The weather in Slovenia is crazy. We had the most rainy and cold summer, only to find autumn sunny and warm. It's like opposites day, I swear! So I thought this would be perfect for an Indian Summer post. If you'd like to enjoy the last rays of sunshine or remember summer, why not do it with a bottle of Davidoff Cool Water Coral Reef? Let's start with the reviews ...

Men first, for a change. We all know I love pretty bottles and it has happened one too many a time that I bought a perfume solely for the bottle! I'm happy to say this smells just as good as it looks. The men's fragrance comes in a beautiful 125 ml blue bottle with a coral print. It's a green, citrusy fragrance filled with notes of bursting mandarine oranges and calming, creamy sandalwood. It's very fresh, modern, light, but with good sillage. I love this so much I want to wear it myself. Gorgeous fragrance, which somehow manages to be different despite appealing to many people. Strongly recommend this one.

Now for all my ladies ... I actually had a fragrance from this line, which was Cool Water Sea Rose. It was beautiful, light and citrusy, and this one is even better (I hope you don't mind, I opened the fragrance just to smell it so I could write a review - sorry). It has lily-of-the-valley, which isn't overpowering at all, instead the citruses take over and deliver a lovely fresh summer scent. It also has melon which is one of my all-time favourite notes in perfumes, it's so juicy! I love this scent and it's one of those that will easily appeal to many women. I hope you like it too. Here's the giveaway - please enter according to the Rafflecopter instructions. You are going to win a 100 ml full bottle of the original fragrance!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The winner will be notified by e-mail and this is open internationally! Good luck!

Share your opinion:

  1. Wau, super giveaway! :) Original Cool Water je eden izmed mojih najljubših parfumov, tako da bi z veseljem imela tudi tole verzijo. :)

  2. O, fino, imam rada parfume. Nimam nobenga takega svežega kot je Cool Water, ima pa brat Hot Water in mu je zelo všeč :)

  3. Great giveaway! :-D Would like to try this one!

  4. Uuu, tole je pa fini giveaway :P Bi mi prišel kakšen nov vonj, sedaj imam samo enega :) Uspešno bloganje še naprej ti želim ;)

  5. Odličen giveaway! :) Še nimam nobenega tako svežega vonja, tako da se ga res res ne bi branila. <3

    1. +Zelo bi bila vesela kakšnih empties in skincare postov. :P

  6. O waw, ful najs. Glih sm razmisljala o nakupu tega:)

  7. Joj spet tak super giveaway! :)
    si pa po dolgem času želim kakšen outfit post, čeprav se zavedam, da je Nothin' Fancy Really beauty blog, ampak tistih nekaj outfitov, ki si jih z nami delila v preteklosti, mi je bilo res všeč :)

  8. Your pictures are so pretty! I love the sound of how they smell!
    Jodie xo // La Lune Song

  9. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Love makeup reviews and hauls!

  10. Thank you for allowing this to be international. I am from the USA and would love to win!!

  11. Maybe you can do an Armani perfume giveaway soon?

  12. Obe dišavi izgledata in zvenita čudovito! :D Zelo lepe fotke! ;)

    Drugače so mi pa ravno najbolj všeč tvoji posti o parfumih ali pa karkoli v povezavi s šminkami/blushi. :)

  13. i would love to win thanks so much!

  14. Super giveaway in lep blog, spremljam redno :)

  15. zelo lep giveaway, čeprav se sama nikoli ne znajdem v teh opisih dišav :) si ne znam predstavljat vonja :( drugače me pa zanimajo tvoji outfit posti :)

  16. Glede na to, da obožujem originalno verzijo Cool water, ni dvoma da bi bila tudi nad to navdušena :) Drugače pa vidim, da si bila na Essence/Catrice eventu in si dobila tekočo podlago Velvet, tako da če jo boš testirala bi res rada videla kakšen review ;)

  17. Super giveaway ! :)
    Drugače sem pa že enkrat zapisala, da bi rada vidla kakšno primerjavo podobnih izdelkov in pa empties najraje berem na blogih :)

  18. wow! this perfume sounds awesome!! thanks for sharing :)

  19. Outfit post obvezno!:) vsake toliko vidim kak detajl oblačil na tvojem instagramu and I'm eager to see more.;D

  20. Thank you for the giveaway! :)
    I love review posts!

  21. Fingers crossed! More outfit posts :)

  22. beauty collection :)

  23. Hi! I would like to see swatches and looks with your new Catrice products :)

  24. I'd love some favourite posts!
    ( pinkelves following on bloglovin' )

  25. Would You Rather Beauty TAG :)

    Rafflecopter: Petra Kos

  26. I love makeup tutorials. I'm clueless sometimes with eye makeup.

  27. Wow this looks really amazing!!



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