Just a really quick post today to show you this beauty of a nail polish and tell you a tragic story! OPI is a brand of nail polish I used to swear by back in the day, but with the arrival of brands like Essie, Orly and China Glaze I forgot about it a little. That is such a shame, and now that I've tested out some more of their nail polishes, I'm hooked again. OPI has an amazing brush, an awesome formula and average lasting power (better than bad like most nail polishes which chip on me the same day).
Here we have Don't Pretzel My Buttons, and it's truly the most beautiful nude in my collection. It's very light, but not as light as Orly's Pure Porcelain, for example, and not as brown as some nudes. It's very neutral, not brown, not pink. Just a beautiful soft nude colour. Best part? It's only around 5€ on this amazing website.
And finally, the worst part - as I was taking photos of this nail polish, I dropped it on the floor and it shattered! I was incredibly sad because I had just found my favourite nude and it's so beautiful, plus it was a nightmare to clean. Awful!
I found this nail polish on Fragrance Direct, which is an amazing discount site. Check out their OPI polishes here and don't forget to check out the other offers, they have some amazing things!
What is your favourite OPI shade?
Oh, I'm sorry about your nail polish :( Something similar was happen to me. The nail polish is never really gone on my floor. But cheers :)) Merry Christmas :) xx
ReplyDeleteIt really was a shame! To you as well dear x
DeleteTočno takle odtenek že par let iščem, se imela podobnega od Essence iz ene TE pa ga je zmankalo. Sm pa včasih tudi prisegala na OPI, dokler nisem dobila v roke mojega prvega Essie laka:$ Essie mi zdrži cel teden brez krušenja, OPI ni bil več za gledat na nohtih po 3 dneh =/ Čeprav so mi barve še vedno super :) Sm pa ugotovila da pri OPI se temni laki in laki z bleščicami ful hitro zgostijo =/ Siberian nights in Glow up already! sta bila moja najljubša pa jih praktično ne morm več uporabljat...upam da enkrat dobim kak poceni thinner :D
ReplyDeleteUau, blagor ti :) Meni noben lak ne zdrži prav dolgo, eni se mi že po dveh urah krušijo :( Essiji imajo pa čudovite barve. Prav ne morem si oprostit, da sem zamudila 1+1 akcijo v dm, ker mi je praznična kolekcija pure love. x
DeleteOh no, I'm so sorry about your nail polish! :( but lovely colour!
Živa, na spletni strani DM še vedo najdeš kupon s 50% popustom na Essie lake (velja za nakup 3 izdelkov) ob predložitvi DM kartice :)
Zelo podobnega temu tvojemu OPI lahku ima tudi Essie - odtenek Saint Tropez. Ga imam ravno na nohith in je krasen. :)
Sicer pa imaš zelo lep blog ;) Lp
Uau Klara, najlepša hvala za tole informacijo, mi zelo prav pride! :) x
DeleteIt's such a shame it smashed! It's a beautiful shade too. I only own a few OPI polishes and my favourites are their base and top coat, not very exciting but they work so well!
ReplyDeleteBeauty and Lifestyle Blog
Oooh, haven't tried those yet but they sound lovely x